In this presentation, Lily talks about the importance of purpose and inclusivity in building the right culture.

Can you believe it? Think Dirty is finally growing up and hitting the big 12! 🎉 We owe a massive thank you to our amazing users and supporters who have been part of this incredible journey. Cheers to Thinking Dirty and Shopping Clean in style for 12 fantastic years and beyond! 💄📱
In this presentation, Lily talks about the importance of purpose and inclusivity in building the right culture.
Many cosmetic and personal-care products contain ingredients that can have negative environmental or health impacts, she says…
“I recently had a conversatin with Lily Tse, the founder of the Think Dirty app. With her family having a history of cancer, Lily decided to take matters into her own hands and become knowledgable about what exactly goes into our most tried and trusted beauty products. Find the full interview below.”
Advocating for people and the planet through better beauty products: my passion is promoting health and happiness through education.
Just what is in our personal care products, and more importantly, how safe are they?
Emma Watson knows the power of a press tour. Being that she’s spent half of her life on the Harry Potter circuit…
Just what is in our personal care products, and more importantly, how safe are they?
Zaman sekarang, kayaknya nggak ada alasan untuk nggak tampil cantik. As we know, saat ini beauty product semakin beragam dan lebih mudah untuk didapatkan secara online. Selain itu, kalau kamu…
Lily shares some of the dirty secrets behind the beauty industry, and talks about how she thinks “beauty” is the next industry in line to truly push forward in an organic, sustainable direction.
Toronto-based app Think Dirty is shaking up the cosmetic world and revolutionizing how we buy makeup