25+ apps to make your everyday life easier

This app tells you exactly what’s in the personal care product you’re about to buy. You scan the barcode, and it shares information about potentially harmful ingredients (and gives alternatives, if you want them). It’s useful for fact-checking label claims like “all-natural” and “organic.” Kyle Shearer of our Events Workgroup says, “It helps me make informed choices on products that I am bringing home.”

10 Must-Try Beauty Apps

The iPhone 6 comes out in two days (and the much-debated Apple Watch launches early next year). Not to mention, iOS 8 is here, meaning nearly everyone has Apple on the brain these days. Whether you’re just upgrading your software, or going all in, we thou.


Beauty Marks

First things first: Think Dirty is not a porn streaming service, despite what the name may lead you to believe. Launched in 2013, it’s an inspired app for consumers who are unaware of the harmful chemicals that may be marinating on the bathroom shelf.


Concerned about cosmetics? 3 apps can help

Reading teeny ingredients lists is tough, especially when you’re out shopping. These three free apps make it easy to evaluate a product’s ingredients and narrow down your choices. Just scan a product’s bar code to see the ingredients it contains a…