4 Technologies That Will Improve Your Life

Technology is the double-edged sword of the modern world. On one hand it brings us great convenience. And on the other hand technologies can greatly decrease our quality of life. One way we can deal with the negative effects of technology is to use technology itself – but we need to be discerning about what we use, and how.

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Featured on Earth Day 2021

The responsibility to protect our shared planet intersects every aspect of our lives. These apps make it easier to minimize waste, nurture a meaningful connection with nature, and preserve precious resources.

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Donation Box Content

Think Dirty is 12!

Can you believe it? Think Dirty is finally growing up and hitting the big 12! 🎉 We owe a massive thank you to our amazing users and supporters who have been part of this incredible journey. Cheers to Thinking Dirty and Shopping Clean in style for 12 fantastic years and beyond! 💄📱

Fast Company honorable mention

Awards & Accolades Boilerplate

  1. Change the title above, and the description below
  2. On the right > Post tab > Categories > Remove boilerplate as the category and check off ‘Awards & Accolades’and the appropriate sub category under ‘Press’
  3. Under the Post tab > Page Links to > Change the ‘Links to’ input to the link of the article
  4. Under Post tab > Featured image > Replace the image with the appropriate logo for the article
  5. You can select a date to display under Post tab > Status & Visibility > Change the publish date
  6. When done, delete these steps, publish and it should show up on the press page

We have received an honorable mention for Best North American World Changing Idea in Fast Company’s 2020 World Changing Ideas Awards!

Apple store

Press Boilerplate

  1. Change the title above, the description, and link below
  2. On the right sidebar of this page > Post (first tab) > Categories > Remove boilerplate as the category and check off ‘Press’ and the appropriate subcategory under ‘Press’
  3. On the right side bar of this page > Under the Post tab (first tab) > Page Links to > Change the ‘Links to’ input to the link of the article
  4. On the right sidebar of this page > Featured image > Replace the image with the appropriate logo for the article
  5. You can select a date to display under Post tab > Status & Visibility > Change the publish date
  6. When done, delete these steps, publish and it should show up on the press page

Want to know if the beauty, personal care, and cleaning products in your home have potentially toxic ingredients? Think Dirty has evaluated over 1.7 million products to help you identify those that might be harmful.

Job Posting Boilerplate

  1. Change the title above to the job posting title and add in content below
  2. On the right > Post tab > Categories > remove ‘Boilerplate’ as the category and change it to ‘Job Posting’
  3. When done delete all these steps so they don’t show up on the page

Award Winner Boilerplate

  1. Replace the title above (this will be in the yellow box as a header), image, brand name, product name, description, and runner up brand
  2. Make sure the image has a link attached to it
  3. Change the category of the winner on the right > Post tab > Categories (remove boilerplate as a category). You can create a new category ex) Body Winner 2021
  4. Go to the right > Post tab > Page Links To > Replace the custom URL to the new product URL
  5. When done delete all these steps so they don’t show up on the page

Product Name

Cleo+Coco award-winning deodorants combine natural charcoal with botanicals for protection that lasts all day. Activated charcoal cleanses and purifies skin while absorbing odor. Magnesium-rich bentonite clay removes impurities on skin’s surface while infusing your skin with a much-needed mineral.

RUNNER UP: THESIS BEAUTY – Deodorant Essential