WKBW news

What to look for in your cleaning supplies

The Coronavirus concerns have some people cleaning more than ever. The U.S. Poison Control Center calls have increased by 20-percent in the last three months as people have suffered from toxic exposure to cleaning supplies and disinfectants.

Philedelphia Tribune

Tips to be fit: The price of looking good

Getting beautiful can cause problems. We most often think nothing of changing our hair color, getting a manicure or pedicure or putting on nail polish. These body enhancements can cause a number of health issues.


Ingredient apps and the importance of transparency

Packaging is, more than ever, a vital part of the marketing mix. A new breed of shoppers is avidly checking labels for ‘good’ and ‘bad’ ingredients using a variety of apps and websites, plus knowledge gleaned from the plethora of on and offline media and beauty bloggers.