Lily is the Founder and CEO of Think Dirty, a mobile app that makes reading cosmetic and personal care product labels and learning about ingredients simple, easy and fun.
Category: Press
女士們每日用在皮膚的產品,例如護膚品、化妝品、沐浴用品等,動輒有十多種,你知道當中有多少產品含刺激性或潛在毒素嗎?應用程式 Think Dirty聲稱可以測化妝品毒性。記者測試數款化妝及潔膚護理產品,部分國際品牌致癌性竟爆表,究竟這些app可信度有多高?
Mobile Apps: opportunity or risk for beauty brands
With app which center on beauty products now hitting consumers’ screens thick and fast, CosmeticsDesign take a look at whether the swiftly evolving mobile space poses an opportunity for brands, or a risk.
Microbeads Ban: New ‘Think Dirty’ App Helps You Figure Out Toxic Ingredients In Your Makeup & Food
These little beads seem helpful when we’re exfoliating skin, but they’re actually harmful environmental concerns, damaging the purity of lakes and rivers. Microbeads are often listed as polyethylene and polypropylene. However, many consumers are unaware of the ingredients they use in cosmetics.
‘Think Dirty’ app reveals toxic beauty buys
Miranda Kerr is a big fan of using natural beauty products, so what’s the betting she’d have some fun with this clever detoxing app? Maybe you consider yourself a bit of a beauty ingredients whiz; you can reel of the benefits of hyaluronic acid…
Lab Rat: Your Beauty Products Are Pretty Dirty
But when I stumbled upon the new beauty app ThinkDirty, I realized it was time to pay more attention to what I’m putting on my face. The app allows you to scan the bar code on a beauty product — and then spits out a ranking based on the amount of cancer-causing substances in the product, ranking it on a scale from 0 to 10, with 10 being the most “dirty” in a totally nonsexual way.
What’s really in that lipstick? Now there’s an app to tell you
The Think Dirty app lets you scan barcodes to learn if a product contains potentially harmful substances.
This Simple App Tells If Your Beauty Products Contain Beastly Chemicals
At the end of the night when I suds up my face, I worry about removing all of my waterproof mascara. I’m not thinking about whether my skin-cleansing pads might make me sick. After all, I bought them at the local drugstore, not on the black market—and toxic chemicals are what the FDA is supposed to protect me from, right?
This Simple App Tells If Your Beauty Products Contain Beastly Chemicals
We’re using an increasing number of cosmetic products on a daily basis, but as the beauty industry isn’t required to list ALL of the ingredients on their product labels, it begs the question; do we really know what we’re putting on to our skin?
This App Helps You Think Dirty — Here’s Why That’s a Good Thing
It’s Earth Day! Yay! But to make it really count, why not start something now that you can do long after 4/22. We have an idea that deals with something you likely did to kick off your AM.