Apple Daily


女士們每日用在皮膚的產品,例如護膚品、化妝品、沐浴用品等,動輒有十多種,你知道當中有多少產品含刺激性或潛在毒素嗎?應用程式 Think Dirty聲稱可以測化妝品毒性。記者測試數款化妝及潔膚護理產品,部分國際品牌致癌性竟爆表,究竟這些app可信度有多高?


‘Think Dirty’ app reveals toxic beauty buys

Miranda Kerr is a big fan of using natural beauty products, so what’s the betting she’d have some fun with this clever detoxing app? Maybe you consider yourself a bit of a beauty ingredients whiz; you can reel of the benefits of hyaluronic acid…

New York

Lab Rat: Your Beauty Products Are Pretty Dirty

But when I stumbled upon the new beauty app ThinkDirty, I realized it was time to pay more attention to what I’m putting on my face. The app allows you to scan the bar code on a beauty product — and then spits out a ranking based on the amount of cancer-causing substances in the product, ranking it on a scale from 0 to 10, with 10 being the most “dirty” in a totally nonsexual way.


This Simple App Tells If Your Beauty Products Contain Beastly Chemicals

At the end of the night when I suds up my face, I worry about removing all of my waterproof mascara. I’m not thinking about whether my skin-cleansing pads might make me sick. After all, I bought them at the local drugstore, not on the black market—and toxic chemicals are what the FDA is supposed to protect me from, right?