A new app aims to inform customers of potential toxins that could be lurking in your makeup.
Category: Press
Toxic Cosmetics Exposed with ThinkDirty Mobile App
Whoa. I think Grist has found one of the most helpful apps I’ve ever seen. The environmental news site recently reported on Think Dirty — a free app that tells you if a beauty product contains potentially toxic chemicals.
New app reveals ingredients in beauty products
CityNews reporter Saphia Khambalia with the app that lets you know the toxic chemicals you may be applying every day.
‘Think Dirty’ App Scans Cosmetics For Carcinogens, Reproductive Toxins, And Allergens Using Your Smartphone
Uncovering those dirty cosmetics
Beauty Industry: App designed to help reveal potential toxins that exist in products
Scanning apps help warn of chemicals in cosmetics
Consumers worried about what might be lurking within their cosmetics and skin care products can turn to new applications that scan bar codes to review the items for safety.
In depth: What’s in your make-up?
More and more women are asking questions about the safety of the ingredients used in their make-up products.
How Clean is Your Beauty Routine?
With labelling terms like organic, holistic, and natural dominating the beauty aisle, it’s really hard to figure out what products are safe, and which ones we should avoid.
Style Q & A | Lily Tse comes clean New app helps to determine if cosmetics are ‘dirty.’
Lily Tse of the Think Dirty app. Although many products are labelled “all-natural” or “organic,” there is little transparency in labelling cosmetics and personal care products. Tse’s app is a tool for consumers to find information easily.
The Think Dirty Story
A regular series, The Wang Post sits down with rising Asian entrepreneurs. This week, they spoke with Lily Tse, the founder and CEO of Think Dirty®, about her entrepreneurial path and her venture to educate other women on safe cosmetics and personal care products.