We live in a digital age; dependent on our iPhones for everything from telling the time to controlling our heating and even finding a life partner. So it was only a matter of time until technology took over looking after our skin.

Can you believe it? Think Dirty is finally growing up and hitting the big 12! 🎉 We owe a massive thank you to our amazing users and supporters who have been part of this incredible journey. Cheers to Thinking Dirty and Shopping Clean in style for 12 fantastic years and beyond! 💄📱
We live in a digital age; dependent on our iPhones for everything from telling the time to controlling our heating and even finding a life partner. So it was only a matter of time until technology took over looking after our skin.
You can read all the nutrition labels in the world and make excellent choices based on that information but what good will it do if the air you breathe around the apartment or the lotions you dutifully apply to your skin are more toxic than your teenage son’s gym bag?
Beauty is all around us. Channeling or harnessing it to be our best selves can be incredibly fun, and it can bring thought-provoking challenges as well. Here’s how to truly cultivate beauty from the outside, from choosing natural skincare strategies to making lifestyle pivots.
As parents, we all want the best for children. Some areas seem more important than others to go the extra mile. We have 5 Quick Tips for to make healthier consumer choices.
Don’t know your AHAs from your HA, your retinol from your retin-A and what exactly vitamin C is doing to your skin? Here are some answers.
In the first installment of Abby’s Apps, Abby takes a look at an app that could help users shift to a clean and healthy lifestyle. It’s called “Think Dirty” but really, you’ll want to use it for getting clean.
It’s a necessity, otherwise they could go the way of Kraft Heinz.
With it being Earth Month, there’s no better time to reconsider your beauty regime. If you’re willing to spend extra dollars on organic produce, why lather your lashes with chemical-laden mascaras?
Elevate has announced the 50 most innovative workplaces that will be officially recognized at The Elevated Awards. The Elevated Awards look to recognize the companies that make innovation a valued part of the way people think, work, and interact every day.
This is an excellent app, which allows you to scan the barcode or manually search for any beauty, skincare or haircare product.
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