Ottawa Citizen

What’s in those household products?

You can read all the nutrition labels in the world and make excellent choices based on that information but what good will it do if the air you breathe around the apartment or the lotions you dutifully apply to your skin are more toxic than your teenage son’s gym bag?

Delicious Living

Natural beauty now. Tune in. Get gorgeous.

Beauty is all around us. Channeling or harnessing it to be our best selves can be incredibly fun, and it can bring thought-provoking challenges as well. Here’s how to truly cultivate beauty from the outside, from choosing natural skincare strategies to making lifestyle pivots.

Frank + Oak

The best eco-friendly beauty brands

With it being Earth Month, there’s no better time to reconsider your beauty regime. If you’re willing to spend extra dollars on organic produce, why lather your lashes with chemical-laden mascaras?