Can you believe it? Think Dirty is finally growing up and hitting the big 12! 🎉 We owe a massive thank you to our amazing users and supporters who have been part of this incredible journey. Cheers to Thinking Dirty and Shopping Clean in style for 12 fantastic years and beyond! 💄📱
We love your reviews and feedback and we publish them all! We have a few quick rules to ensure your review gets posted for all to see.
No offensive or explicit content
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The Story of Cosmetics, released on July 21st, 2010, examines the pervasive use of toxic chemicals in our everyday personal care products, from lipstick to baby shampoo. Produced with Free Range Studios and hosted by Annie Leonard, the seven-minute film by The Story of Stuff Project reveals the implications for consumer and worker health and the environment, and outlines ways we can move the industry away from hazardous chemicals and towards safer alternatives. The film concludes with a call for viewers to support legislation aimed at ensuring the safety of cosmetics and personal care products.
The mindbodygreen podcast features host Jason Wachob, founder & co-CEO of mindbodygreen, engaging in open, honest conversations with the people shaping the world of well-being.
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Can you believe it? Think Dirty is finally growing up and hitting the big 12! 🎉 We owe a massive thank you to our amazing users and supporters who have been part of this incredible journey. Cheers to Thinking Dirty and Shopping Clean in style for 12 fantastic years and beyond! 💄📱
Purportedly in the interest of safeguarding commercially valuable intellectual property, personal care product manufacturers are permitted to conceal the composition of the fragrances they use in their products. An ingredient listed on a product label as “fragrance” may be composed of dozens of different synthetic chemical compounds, none of which are specifically identified on the label or the manufacturer’s website. Further, even products labeled ‘fragrance free’ have been shown to contain fragrance ingredients, typically due to the use of these compounds as preservatives or as agents to mask the odors of other chemicals in the product. 1 Yet fragrance is the most common cause of contact dermatitis associated with personal care products. 2 Even more alarmingly, chemical analyses of cosmetics and personal care products containing undisclosed “fragrance” ingredients have identified known allergens 7,8 ,asthma triggers, allergens 7,8, sensitizers, endocrine disruptors, carcinogens and neurotoxins. 3,4,5
Due to the strong evidence of the potential negative health impacts of unspecified fragrance ingredients, Think Dirty® automatically assigns any product that lists “fragrance” on its label a rating of 7 or higher.
The assignment of numerical ratings based on the results of scientific studies is necessarily a subjective process. The information on our website and in our mobile applications is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. If you have specific concerns about your exposure to certain chemicals or your health, please consult your physician.
“There’s an app, there’s a couple of them of them. The one I like is called Think Dirty. You can scan products and it will tell you on a scale from 0 to 10 how bad they are for you. When I figured this out, I was scanning everything. I shaved for 50 years with Barbasol which is rated a 9. Now I shave with Kiss My Face, and that’s rated a 2!”
– Dr. Amen
“The cosmetics that you use and the stuff you put on your body, there’s a great app called Think Dirty. You can put any product in there to scan the barcode and it’ll tell you the level of toxins and recommend you the most non-toxic products. You do that, you cover 80% of the landscape, and you are living in a mostly non-toxic environment.”
– Darshan Shah, MD. Founder of Next Health
Breast Cancer Reviews 6
“I am a stage 3 breast cancer survivor, diagnosed at 31, and it was NOT genetic. That woke me up and I care about what goes on my skin, my kids skin, what I deal with, and etc. This app is amazing, it is so easy to use. I also love that if what you scan or search is dirty it gives you clean options AND it links you to where you can buy it.”
– Lauren Feindel, Think Dirty App User
“Use this app all the time! I have hormone positive breast cancer so I use this app to check beauty products before buying. You’d be surprised that a lot of products that brag about being “good for you” are not.”
– Snshine419, Think Dirty App User
Breast Cancer Reviews 5
“So glad to find this app. My mom had breast cancer and it made me really think about ingredients in products. I’ve switched to using only organic or clean products and this app made it so much easier!”
– RachoBako, Think Dirty App User
“I find this app so helpful! I wish I would have known about it before my breast cancer. Now, this helps me to steer clear of toxic chemicals that are hidden in some products.”
– farmwife2022, Think Dirty App User
Breast Cancer Reviews 4
“Was recommended to my sister after she was diagnosed with breast cancer caused by environmental factors.”
– angelita es, Think Dirty App User
“As I work on getting whole body healthy, I’m trying to reduce the amount of chemicals I use in my everyday life. After having breast cancer, Think Dirty helps me determine what products are healthy enough to keep in my life and which are not.”
– Dogotis, Think Dirty App User
Breast Cancer Reviews 3
I have an autoimmune illness and I am using this app to change over to products with much less chemicals or no chemicals. If you have children or anyone, I would definitely use this app for every purchase. This is also a way to “vote” with your dollars and support those companies that are doing right. This is an update to my first review: after using this app as a guide to change my purchases to products that have less (or none!) harmful chemicals, 60 days later, I am seeing and feeling a big difference in my skin and lungs. Less irritation, and fatigue. I have started to check every product I buy in this app. Target is a great store for offering many of the cleanest products recommended on this app. I have found 80% of the items recommended by “Think Dirty” there. There is a “clean” button on filters for most every product, which helps isolate which ones might be best. It does take some cross referencing to the app, to assure the cleanest products! Thank you for having the app!!
– Sandee H., Think Dirty App User
Breast Cancer Reviews 2
“I am a breast cancer survivor. A nurse practitioner from Baptist MD Anderson Hospital in Jacksonville, FL told me to get the think dirty app. She gave me a paper handout with instructions on how to use the app to find clean products that are non-toxic. I don’t make any purchase without running it through the Think Dirty app first.”
– ReneeS1959, Think Dirty App User
“I was so happy to learn of your app from my daughter (in-law)! I am a 12-year breast cancer survivor and try to use only the cleanest/organic products I can find and afford. As important as this is, even more important is to use only cruelty-free products as well!!!”
– Laura H., Think Dirty App User
Breast Cancer Reviews 1
“Thank you, THINK DIRTY!!! Having survived triple negative breast cancer I am always concerned about what goes on and in my body and forever will be! This app dispels so much anxiety. Thank you, again!”
– MegMul84, Think Dirty App User
“After a Breast Cancer diagnosis, this app has helped me understand what non toxic products are available for me and what I can continue using easily!! Thank you.”
– popcornlove1990, Think Dirty App User
Janet Nudelman & ChloeMeagan
“With a tool like Think Dirty, consumers can help find and promote good companies that are using nontoxic ingredients. You shouldn’t have to be a toxicologist to know how to find safer products.”
– Janet Nudelman, Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
“Incredibly useful app! I always considered myself a person who used natural and environmentally-friendly product until I downloaded this app. It is eye-opening to say the least. I can’t wait to see more products added!”
– ChloeMeagan, Think Dirty App User
Karina Birch & thinkingclean
“I love knowing the health impact of what’s on my bathroom shelf. Every consumer of beauty products needs this free app.
– Karina Birch, Founder of Rocky Mountain Soap
“Awesome! I have numerous allergies and I checked Think Dirty before I buy any new product and have found it useful. Don’t know what I would do without it now.”
– thinkingclean, Think Dirty App User
Kyle Shearer & ttdoublenk
“It helps me make informed choices on products that I am bringing home.”
-Kyle Shearer, TED Blog Staff
“Time saver and life saver. Amazing!! I used to Google each ingredient in my products before purchasing to make sure they weren’t harmful. Now I have an app that does that for me AND recommends a natural product… I just got to start getting my daughter’s fathers to start using it.”
-ttdoublenk, Think Dirty App User
Fast Co. & KevMacdod
“Tse’s quest for greater transparency is personal. Her mother is a breast cancer survivor, so she’s sensitive to hidden dangers in the products around us.”
– Fast Co. Exist
“So handy! Immediate answer to the burning question – is this bad for me? Have thrown a lot of things out now knowing what to buy instead.”
-KevMacdod, Think Dirty App User
Ecouterre & Shoplesslivemore
“Buying safe cosmetics has never been easier.”
– Ecouterre
“Love this when shopping. This app is great as it makes things so much easier when trying to decide on a product in store. In the past I felt like I had to stand in the aisle for 30m trying to look up ingredients etc. This app breaks thing down so simply and you can spend less time in store.”
– Shoplesslivemore, Think Dirty App User
Brit + Co & Janey6549
“Think Dirty is an app that makes figuring out exactly what you’re slathering on your face, lips, bod (and, yikes, then washing down the drain) as easy as snapping a picture.”
– Brit + Co.
“I am amazed at how many popular brand name products are full of chemicals. I have stopped using them. Thank you for opening my eye to natural clean products for my body. I love using this app as a resource before buying!”
– Janey6549, Think Dirty App User
Bill Baker & KimbaC
“Lily and the team are doing a phenomenal job on an important app. This is something everyone who cares about their health should have in hand when they go shopping for personal care products!”
– Bill Baker, CEO, Consonant Body
“My favorite app! I don’t know what I would do without this app. It’s absolutely amazing and has inspired me to live a cleaner life.”
– KimbaC, Think Dirty App User
Nadeyah & Luis756
“As someone who has past horror stories of using product that caused my skin allergy, Think Dirty is an app that I have been waiting for so long. It will let me know all the ingredients in the products, so I won’t have to be a human guinea pig for new products. It will be a saviour for people like myself who has bad experience of using the wrong product for undisclosed ingredients. Looking forward to the launch of this important app!!”
– Nadeyah Kailan, Director Events and Sponsorship of Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada
“Life changer. This app will make you more conscious of all bad chemicals that we absorb daily through our bodies. It has opened my eyes to true chemical-free brand and unveiled well-known brands that pretend to be.”
– Luis756, Think Dirty App User
Ruby Rose & desiremap
“What changed my routine and really my life is the Think Dirty app.”
– Ruby Rose
“Awesome! Love to know what is bad for you. So many big words and it rates it all. Thank you for creating something like this.”
– desiremap, Think Dirty App User
The Atlantic & Meaggymoo
“An App That Helps You Find the Safest Make-up.”
– The Atlantic
“Wow! All I can say is wow I scanned some of my product and most of them scored high on the dirty level. I didn’t realize just how much junk is in that stuff. I plan on swapping some of my products for cleaner ones recommended in the app.”
Here at Think Dirty, we are all about supporting the all-stars in the clean beauty industry. We looked to you to determine who’s the best in clean beauty and we were so overwhelmed with all the positive responses from all of you!
We want to thank all the Dirty Thinkers that voted in this year’s Dirty Thinkers’ Choice Awards for the best products in 2019! Congratulations to all of the winners and thank you to everyone who voted! ?
? Skincare Winners ?
Best Cleanser Winner: Burt’s Bees Sensitive Daily Cleanser
You all voted and the Best Cleanser in clean beauty is Burt’s Bees Sensitive Daily Cleanser! This cleanser is gentle enough for sensitive skin and cleanses away impurities, dirt, oil, and makeup without leaving your skin feeling dry!
The second runner up is the Alitura Naturals Pearl Cleanser, voters loved how it purges through dirt, oil, and grime perfect for all skin types and for everyday use!
Best Toner Winner: Herbal Dynamics Beauty Rose Water Calming Face Toner
Best Serum Winner: Emma Lewisham Skin Reset Pigmentation Correcting Serum
We got an overwhelming amount of submissions for best serum and Emma Lewisham Skin Reset Pigmentation Correcting Serum blew away the competition! This serum is a skin hero with its amazing formula that visibly minimizes the look of hyperpigmentation while fighting wrinkles and collagen degradation.
Alitura Naturals Gold Serum took second place with its regenerative ingredients that give you the “glow from within.”
Best Moisturizer Winner: Viking Beauty Secrets Certified Organic Day Cream
Say goodbye to dry skin and hello to the best moisturizer, Viking Beauty Secrets Certified Organic Day Cream! Jam-packed with hyaluronic acid and antioxidants this moisturizer keeps you hydrated while neutralizing environmental damages!
Taking second place is Alitura Naturals Night Cream, this night cream promotes cellular health for a brightened complexion and long term anti-aging benefits.
Best Exfoliator Winner: Silk Therapeutics Renewing Peel Gel Exfoliator
The people have voted and Silk Therapeutics Renewing Peel Gel Exfoliator takes the win! ? Best known to minimize pores, dark spots, uneven skin tone, fine lines and dullness their gentle AHA is effective without being abrasive!
Best Eye Care Winner: Silk Therapeutics Eye Revive Anti-Aging Eye Cream
This anti-aging eye cream by Silk Therapeutics was the voters’ favorite!? With their therapeutics blend of Activated Silk, nourishing oils, caffeine, and vitamins C + E, the Silk Therapeutics Eye Revive Anti-Aging Eye Cream instantly brightens and lifts the eye area!
Best Face Mask Winner: Pure + Simple Collagen Hydra Face Mask
We’ve gotten an overwhelming amount of votes for the Pure + Simple Collagen Hydra Face Mask! You guys love their blend of Collagen, green tea extract, and aloe vera that penetrates deep into the layers of the skin to hydrate, maintain elasticity, promote collagen and protect the skin from free radicals!
Our Dirty Thinkers also loved how Alitura Naturals Clay Mask exfoliates dead skin, reduces pore openings, stimulates blood flow, and encourages the growth of new skin cells!
Best Sunscreen Winner: Earth Mama Organics Lady Face™ Mineral Sunscreen Face Stick SPF 40
Best Foundation Winner: Wander Beauty Nude Illusion Liquid Foundation
Voters loved that this foundation is lightweight gives you full coverage without melting off in the heat, humidity, and sweat! Not only does it give you coverage but it also has niacinamide to reduce the look of wrinkles and even skin tone.
Runner up is MG Naturals Airbrush Miracle Organic BB Cream, in just 30 seconds after putting it one, this BB Cream moisturizes, soothes, conceals, perfects & brightens your complexion!
Best Concealer Winner: W3ll People Bio Correct Multi-Action Concealer
You all love this power-packed concealer for its full-coverage formula that also diminishes imperfections and blemishes. This creamy texture sets on top of your skin without creasing with all-day wear.
Fit for a Clean Queen, runner up, Fitglow Beauty Conceal+ goes beyond full coverage and works to repair hyperpigmentation and blemishes!
Best Eye Makeup Winner: Aether Beauty Summer Solstice Palette
This palette is getting all the buzz for its 12 different shades in matte, shimmer, satin, metallic + duo-chrome! This palette is perfect for all types of looks! Go from day time to glam just using this palette!
Best Mascara Winner: Juice Beauty Phyto-Pigments Ultra-Natural Mascara
This volumizing nutrient-rich mascara won voters over with its non-drying volumizing formula. Yes, this mascara gives you a soft feathery look giving you the drama you want while being smudge and clump-free!
Best Lip Product Winner: Biossance Squalane + Rose Vegan Lip Balm
This lip balm was the voter’s favorite for its moisturizing vegan lip balm. ? Its lightweight formula gets you plump, soft youthful-looking lips with its blend of ceramides and hyaluronic acid!
Runner up is Burt’s Bees Lip Butter, its lightweight blend of shea butter and cocoa butter won the votes of the Dirty Thinkers earning then second place.
? Haircare Winners ?
Best Styling Product Winner: Innersense Organic Beauty I Create Finish
This versatile finishing spray gives you #hairgoals and our voters agree! ?♀️This finishing spray moisturizes and strengthens your hair leaving it looking full and shiny!
Voters also loved Thirsty Naturals Dry Shampoo’s formula that revives greasy hair and reduces excess oil production so you can go on about your day without feeling greasy!
Best Shampoo Winner: Rocky Mountain Soap Company Nourish & Protect Shampoo
This shampoo protects and defends normal hair and keeps it strong! ?♀️No wonder this was a voter fave, it has Flax Seed Protein that nourishes your hair from the roots!
Best Conditioner Winner: Innersense Organic Beauty Pure Inspiration Daily Conditioner
Voters were inspired and all admired Innersense Organic Beauty’s Conditioner. It’s the perfect lightweight, moisturizing conditioner formulated to eliminate frizz, dryness, and breakage!
Best Body Wash/Soap Winner: Puracy Natural Body Wash
This winner gives you the best clean possible. This body wash is hypoallergenic and pH balanced to provide you hydration even for the most sensitive skin. ?
Next best in the game is the Tropic Skincare Body Wash, its creamy with a rich, luscious lather, to leave skin clean, refreshed and smelling tropical ?
Best Body Lotion Winner: Primally Pure Almond + Vanilla Body Butter
This creamy and moisturizing body butter took home the win with its amazing formula!? Rich in vitamin A, D, E, K, organic almond and vanilla extract, you will instantly sink into deep moisture heaven!
Take a deep dive into hydration with the runner up, Alitura Naturals Body Lotion! It acts as your “second skin,” providing moisture that lasts while deeply protecting from harsh environmental pollutants ?
Best Diaper Cream Winner: Earth Mama Organics Organic Diaper Balm
You and your baby can rest easy with Earth Mama Organics Organic Diaper Balm! Formulated to be gentle and effective this balm soothes your baby’s bum without irritating their skin. ?
Best Baby and Kids Shampoo and Wash Winner: Puracy Natural Baby Shampoo & Body Wash
Puracy takes the win with their Natural Baby Shampoo & Body Wash! It’s soothing and nourishing for your baby with its blend of sea salts, plant, and mineral-based ingredients that gently cleanses your baby while giving them the ultimate hydration.
Best Baby and Kids Lotion Winner: Burt’s Bees Ultra Gentle Baby Lotion
This fast-absorbing baby lotion won voters over with their blend of shea butter, jojoba, and aloe. It nourishes your baby’s skin leaving their skin smooth and cuddly.
Taking home second place is Moon Valley Organics Herbal EczaCalm! This product relieves skin irritations caused by Eczema, rashes, poison ivy or oak, and insect bites!
?Household Winner?
Best Household Winner: Branch Basics Starter Kit + Oxygen Boost
Replace all your cleaning products with this winner and take home some Branch Basics! Voters love how it’s an all in one product that’s tough on stains so you don’t have to scrub so hard. ?
Dirty Thinkers also love the MamaSuds All Purpose Cleaner in their homes because it’s tough on the crud but safe enough to wash out a potty mouth. Actually, don’t do that, it tastes horrendous ?
? Best Fragrance ?
Best Fragrance Winner: Abel Golden Neroli Eau de Parfum 1.7 oz
The Dirty Thinkers have spoken and we listened! Introducing the Best Clean Indie brand of the year… Biossance!
Thirty Naturals took home second place as Best Indie Brand of 2019!
? Breakthrough Brand of the Year ?
Breakthrough Brand of the Year Winner: Bāsd Body Care
Introducing the Dirty Thinkers’ Choice Awards first-ever Breakthrough Brand of the Year… Bāsd Body Care! Bāsd is a Canada based company that devotes themselves to empowering everyone to feel good “nakd” with their clean line of products. We celebrate their innovative, game-changing journey in clean beauty. They have made their mark in clean beauty with their ability to change lifestyles, routines without being dirty.
Bāsd Body Care has an amazing line of body care products that compliments and works with what your mama gave you! Their Seductive Sandlewood Body Lotion ? is a team favourite here at Think Dirty and we think the Bāsd Babes can agree that the warm and woody sandalwood-bergamot fragrance is to die for.
And that’s all of them, thank you again to all you Dirty Thinkers for voting in this year’s awards! Check out last year’s winners here, until next time!